Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Lets Take This Up a Gear

It's finally happened, I've stepped up to the next level. No longer will I order 'Medium please' in a weedy and slightly embarassed squeek. From now on in my order will be suffixed with "Make that HOT please" in a loud, booming, almost threatening voice.

I have experienced the Hot stuff, and let me tell you - it's good eatin. Maybe one day I'll order extra ho... no... no thats crazy talk.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

A Hero Among Men

We thought it was all over, but no, the hype lives on - this modern day hero has gone and got Nandos take out for lunch. He went for the half a chicken, with rice and corn. A meal of champions. We salute you sir.

Nando's ambassador of the month goes to... Charlotte Church

(On Nicole Richie’s weight)

“I don’t know what all the fuss is about, she should go to the doctors or get herself down to Nando’s.”


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Official Visit Number 1

Right, this time we had to pay for stuff, but it was still awesome, maybe even awesomer. We did score some free olives though, due to one of our meals taking a bit longer to arrive.

Here's the evidence (check out those huge bogs):

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Nandos Test Drive

Well it finally happened, we walked past Nandos today, not due to open until tomorrow, we saw they were doing more test runs in there... and then it happened... I don't know how it happened but it did. We blagged our way into the test.

It was simply amazing. Free nandos. Free chicken. Free (soft) drinks. Free cakes (OK we had to pay for the cakes). And we were treated like gods, all we had to do was to fill in a form saying how TOTALLY AWESOME it was. Here is our experience in pictorial form:

Monday, September 04, 2006

Brave Peri Soldiers

I just walked past the Nandos of the future, it was FULL of (what i assume were) brave test pilots. All milling around looking a bit confussed, but TOTALLY PUMPED while the Nandos servers of the future fussed around in the background looking nervous but also EVEN MORE PUMPED.